Ep. 21 | Poetry Corner: upfromsumdirt
In the latest installment of our minisode series, Poetry Corner, Kendra Winchester is joined by special guest upfromsumdirt.
Books Mentioned
The Second Stop Is Jupiter by upfromsumdirt
Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed
Quilting: Poems 1987-1990 by Lucille Clifton
Let the Dead In by Saida Agostini
Guest Info
Wayne State University Press, 2023
upfromsumdirt, Ron Davis, is an autodidactic poet and award-winning visual artist based in Lexington, Kentucky. He is the author of two previous poetry collections, Deifying a Total Darkness and To Emit Teal, and is currently storyboarding a graphic novel based on his poetry. He has also published works in anthologies and periodicals including The Future of Black: Afrofuturism, Black Comics, and Superhero Poetry; Anthology of Appalachian Writers; Hayden's Ferry Review; and more. He received the Kentucky Al Smith Award in Art in 2010 and the Southeastern Libraries Association Award for Excellence in Original Artwork in 2022. His artwork is featured in the NAACP Image Award-winning poetry collection, Perfect Black by Crystal Wilkinson and A is for Affrilachia by Frank X Walker. He was inducted as a member into the Affrilachian Poets in 2022.