The Prettiest Star by Carter Sickels


One of my favorite Appalachian novels of 2020 is The Prettiest Star, which is out from one of my favorite indie presses, Hub City Press.

Beginning in the spring of 1986, The Prettiest Star follows Brian, a young gay man living with AIDS. After losing his lover and countless friends to the disease, Brian returns to his childhood home to say goodbye to his family.

We also get the POV of Brian’s sister and mom, giving us a range of perspectives on Brian’s life. Through these three characters, we get an intimate look at Brian’s homecoming and declining health.


Kendra Winchester

Kendra Winchester is a Contributing Editor for Book Riot where she writes about audiobooks and disability literature. She is also the Founder of Read Appalachia, which celebrates Appalachian literature and writing. Previously, Kendra co-founded and served as Executive Director for Reading Women, a podcast that gained an international following over its six-season run. In her off hours, you can find her writing on her Substack, Winchester Ave, and posting photos of her Corgis on Instagram and Twitter @kdwinchester.

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