Affrilachia: Poems by Frank X Walker


It’s time for some Appalachian poetry! Is everyone else as in awe of Frank X Walker’s poetry as I am? 😍

“I want to tell her
that the word Affrilachia
was not intended to take lives
was not intended to destroy families
or divide communities
that it existed to make visible
to create a sense of place
that had not existed
for us
for any unwealthy common
people of color
now claiming the dirt
they were born in.”

Kendra Winchester

Kendra Winchester is a Contributing Editor for Book Riot where she writes about audiobooks and disability literature. She is also the Founder of Read Appalachia, which celebrates Appalachian literature and writing. Previously, Kendra co-founded and served as Executive Director for Reading Women, a podcast that gained an international following over its six-season run. In her off hours, you can find her writing on her Substack, Winchester Ave, and posting photos of her Corgis on Instagram and Twitter @kdwinchester.

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