Storytelling in Queer Appalachia


Many thanks to West Virginia University Press for sending over a copy of Storytelling in Queer Appalachia. 🤩

When we talk about Appalachia, we often don’t mention that there’s great work coming out from Appalachian academics. Appalachian studies is alive and well, including research in how Appalachian identity intersects with other identities.

West Virginia University Press recently put out an anthology that focuses on queer storytelling. It’s fascinating to see so many topics come together in this book. So if you are interested in a more in-depth academic work to read, definitely check out this book.

What other Appalachian Studies books have you been enjoying?

Kendra Winchester

Kendra Winchester is a Contributing Editor for Book Riot where she writes about audiobooks and disability literature. She is also the Founder of Read Appalachia, which celebrates Appalachian literature and writing. Previously, Kendra co-founded and served as Executive Director for Reading Women, a podcast that gained an international following over its six-season run. In her off hours, you can find her writing on her Substack, Winchester Ave, and posting photos of her Corgis on Instagram and Twitter @kdwinchester.

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