Ep. 25 | Live: Ron Rash and Ann Pancake
In this special live recording of Read Appalachia, host Kendra Winchester talks to Ron Rash and Ann Pancake. A special thanks to Jeremy B. Jones and Western Carolina University for hosting us the 22nd Spring Literary Festival.
Ep. 24 | Read Appalachia Live: Poetry Corner
In this special edition of Poetry Corner, host Kendra Winchester is joined in conversation with poets Willie Edward Taylor Carver Jr., Rahul Mehta, and Doug Van Gundy.
Ep. 22 | The Cost of Creativity
Host Kendra Winchester talks to Neema Avashia and Sarah Lemon about their experience carving out the time to write.
Ep. 19 | Appalachian Foodways
To kick off Season 2 of Read Appalachia, host Kendra Winchester talks to special guests Erica Abrams Locklear and Crystal Wilkinson.
‘Another Appalachia’ is as good as everyone says, and better
"Avashia’s keen sense memory combines with a steady hand and a deep commitment to nuance that make each essay glow like a kitchen window after dark. The places where her perspective aligned with my own were a delightful gut punch, and I can only presume that others feel the same.”
Something’s Rising:
Garrett Robinson reviews Something’s Rising by Silas House and Jason Kyle Howard.